Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Protect Yourself at All Times

Ephesians 6:10-18


Have any of you ever watched America's funniest home videos? What is the funniest video you've seen? Pretty much anything that causes bodily harm is funny.

It may just be me, but I find people getting hurt doing silly stuff pretty funny.


But most of the time if we are paying attention we won't get hurt, or we can prevent it to some extent.


When we look in the last chapter of Ephesians we find Paul telling us the same thing.


Up to this point in the book Paul has: reminded us of the redemption we have in Christ, that we have a new life in Christ, We are all one in Spirit, How to live to keep that unity/ believe God, and How to interact in our own families.


Now we come to this point where Paul is reminding us to protect ourselves at all times.


  1. Be Strong (v. 10-13)
    1. V.10 - we have to acknowledge the strength we have through Christ.
    2. V.11 - we have to acknowledge that we have to use that strength when we are in "battle."
    3. V.12 – We have to acknowledge that our enemy is the devil and not anyone person we see from Day to Day.
    4. V. 13 – We have to take the FULL armor of God, to resist in the evil day and done to be able to stand firm.
  2. Be Equipped (v.14-17)
    1. V.14 – Having Girded your loins with truth
      1. What do you think of when you hear the word: Gird?
        1. Girdle: Same principle; you've hear it described as a belt. This part of the uniform was the most important. It held everything in place. We find Truth in God's Word.
      2. Having put on the breastplate of righteousness
        1. What is under a breastplate? Your heart we want to protect our hearts. But the Bible clearly states that our righteousness is as filthy rags, compared to the righteousness of Christ. This means only through His righteousness is our heart protected. If we don't believe that Christ came and died for our sins, and believe that with all of our heart then our heart is unprotected.
    2. V.15 – Having shod your feet with the preparation of the gospel.
      1. Shoes speak of Foundation.
        1. Paul has told us by this point in Chapter 6 to "Stand Firm" 3 times. If you have Christ in your life then you are able to have a firm foundation, or an anchor that you can cling to.
          1. At this time the soldier's shoes were almost like cleats, they had spikes on them so they could dig in and not be moved, it also helped them to keep moving forward. And if we are going to have our feet shod with the Gospel we have to keep moving and take the gospel out.
    3. V.16 – Taking up the shield of faith
      1. Our faith is our belief in God, and in Jesus Christ His Son.
        1. The shield protected the whole body; it was a heavy shield about the size of a door. It is something we can get behind when we are under attack, but it is also something that we can put in front of us as we move forward. It is something that covers our whole body, to protect it from every aspect. We all come to points in our life where we hold our faith out in front and it we march along not letting anything slow us down, and then we come to points in our life that we have to cover ourselves because we are so beat down, but we have our faith to cling to and draw hope from. Our faith does both of these things. Once you realize that we have this shield, then it should make you want to pick it back up, and keep moving forward.
    4. V.17 - take the helmet of Salvation & Sword of the Spirit
      1. Our heart is guarded with righteousness of Christ and when we accept him we do it with our heart and mind. We know we have Salvation through Jesus Christ and no one else. So we need to protect that knowledge of Christ, so when we continue to move forward in battle we have that knowledge of Salvation that we can share with others, so that they may be able to come to know the saving grace of Christ alone.
      2. The Sword of the Spirit is the word of God
        1. Heb. 4:12 tells us: For the word of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword, and piercing as far as the division of soul and spirit, of both joints and marrow, and able to judge the thoughts and intentions of the heart.
        2. Jesus used God's sword when He was being tempted by Satan.
        3. This is why learning the Bible, memorizing scripture is so important. We need to be able to draw our swords whenever Satan attacks. Or whenever we need to helps someone else out by giving them a weapon to fight with.
  3. Be Pre-prayered
    1. V. 18- Paul gives us a second weapon, prayer & petition
      1. So many times we give God a grocery list of prayer when we are struggling in our life, and we dump all that out on God and we don't focus on Him, and really understand that he is able to overcome everything.
      2. Petition is being specific in prayer. Think about it, if we start a petition saying we only what Coke products served at all the schools, and we get everyone to sign it. What does it do? It shows that it is really wanted by the majority.
        1. In this case we are the majority, (you) and if you are specific then God has heard your cry about that struggle, or sin. Don't be general be specific.

These last two weapons are both offensive, and if you look at the rest of the defensive weapons they are urging the offensive strike. There is nothing God has given us that says. "Just sit back and I'll do everything." No God has equipped us to carry out His word, through the power of the Holy Spirit. Let's do just that.


How are you going into battle? Fully armored or only half-way dressed?

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